Tag Archives: pussy cat

Pussy Willow, Cat Tales

For weeks, I’ve been struggling for new ideas.  It’s the dead of winter in Melbourne, and my brain has happily hibernated somewhere sunny and warm.  I was working on an “Owl and the Pussycat” inspired bell jar and to me it just did not feel that inspired enough.  So much so that, Willow my Pussycat mouse, has jumped in to help me.  Here’s a picture of this mousy writing down her ideas.

And taking her coffee break. She does like a cuppa every now and then…

And then eating crackers without cheese. Willow is pretending to be a pussycat for her role in the “Owl and the Pussycat” so she’s doing away with the cheese for now. Cats don’t like cheese.

Oh no! Crumbs on the diary!

I’ll just kick the crumbs out. Then go back to writing.

Got to go now.  Still have to brainstorm with this mousy.


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